Monday, January 16, 2012

"Girl, How Were you able to Get to 47 weeks post?"

i can say i used a lot of products while ive been transitioning, but so far i can only give credit to two main products that are very inexpensive and easy to find just about anywhere.

                                                            OILS & HONEY!!

OILS: i call oils "the new growth softener" lol just because ever since ive been introduce to oils that what is seems to do to my hair, make it soft. ive used oils from olive,castor,coconut,vatika,herbal oils and they have done nothing but great amazing things for me. When going a very long time w/o a relaxer i saw my hair become drier quickly and breakage was around all the time. so i quickly made friends with oils (of all kinds). i used oils in different ways (pre poos, as dc'er treatment, mixed in with conditioners, and mixing to make my own growth aids) although this is consider a butter, but its still an oil and thats shea butter. shea butter is great and can be used just like any other oil. its great to use now that its winter now, its 29 degrees where im at so shea butter is a great product to use to help combat dry hair.

HONEY: honey for hair is the next best thing since jumbo ice pops lol. this product provides the best slip. my comb just glides thru my hair like melted butter lol. i was always afriad of using honey on my hair b/c its sticky and i though it would ruin my hair. i was so wrong! honey is great for softness and slip-age. my favorite thing to do with honey is to add it to my conditioners, i also use it sometimes in my pre poos and dc'ers and or alone. its easy to rinse of the hair, it gives great shine and of course my hair smell nice lol. 

something else ive noticed is if i have a conditioner thats just not  working that well for me anymore instead of tossing the product out wasting my money i would add both oil, and honey to it. and its like a brand new bottle of conditioner, this also prolongs the life of conditioner as well (in my opinion) who wants to buy bottles of conditioners every week? -not me- honey added makes the conditioner even more viscus so you dont have to apply as much. 

the detangling factor for both products are amazing! in the beginning it would take me 30mins to detangle now im down to 10mins. less breakage and shedding in my comb. 


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